2013年5月4日 星期六

猶太新約註釋精選 - 路加 2:40-52 筆記



路加 2:40-52 筆記。

在經文中我們被告知的一切,除了他被稱為拿撒勒的工匠 (馬可 6:1 4) 之外,新約(New Covenant)述說了關於耶書亞在大約兩歲(馬太 2:16)到三十歲(路加 3:23)之間的生活 。從人的角度看來他「智慧增長」,即使從神而來的他是智慧。在耶書亞的生活中,我們知道在這大約二十八年間這是唯一的事件:在十二歲時,他留下來在耶路撒冷聖殿與拉比們談論。神是施恩和明理的,不至於讓我們閱讀時負擔太多或是不必要的細節,因為「著書多,沒有窮盡;讀書多,身體疲倦」(傳道書 12:12);此外,「耶書亞所行的事還有許多,若是一一都寫出來,我想,就是全世界也容不下所要寫的書!」(約翰 21:25)。一位傳記作家可能會述說更多;既然福音的寫作者原來不是傳記作家而是好消息的傳講者,他們僅僅寫下的是人們需要知道他們自己的屬靈福份。

但這並未打消關於對歷史上最有名人物的好奇心;因此在古代有一些假的福音成書,意圖敘述耶書亞在「沉默期」的生活(其中不少已收錄在 Wilhelm Schneemelcher, editor, New Testament Apocrypha 新約全書外典 (英文翻譯由 R. McL. Wilson, 2 volumes, Philadelphia: The Westminster 出版, 1963)。不僅如此,現代新興宗教試圖暗中破壞新約的真理,透過吸收「基督」進入他們自己的價值體系。在他們的靈裡如同八卦小抄:他們的虛構故事中耶穌(Jesus)到印度旅行,跟遠東「大師」學習瑜伽,遭遇外星人,展現各種神蹟與施法。

所有迎合這些「愛聽八卦」的「雖然常常學習,終久無法達到明白真理的地步」(提後 4:3, 3:7)。沒有絲毫的證據表明耶書亞在 12 歲到 30 歲做了除了在加利利以猶太工匠猶太之子為生以外的事情(馬太 13:55, 馬可 6:3)。與此相反,如果他缺席了十八年,他同時代的人可就不熟悉他了,約翰 6:42 顯示他們熟悉。這些是精心的捏造,一方面,迎合人們在一些假想為優越知識的驕傲,並且,在另一方面,把注意力從新約的核心信息引開:壞消息是人類因著愆與神分離並且需要償還愆債,好消息是彌賽亞耶書亞一次償還愆債,給予所有信靠他與他的道的任何人。

  • 耶書亞 Yeshua 就是「耶穌」的希伯來原文發音
  • 新約 New Covenant 請參考希伯來書 8:13
  • carpenter 修改為工匠而不是木匠,古猶太地的房屋不是用木頭而是石頭蓋的,耶書亞的專業應為建築工
  • sin 翻為「愆」而不是罪,意思是錯過(目標)而不是法定罪行,希伯來字根語意有「沒有命中標靶中心」的意思,另請參見 CBOL:http://bible.fhl.net/new/s.php?N=1&k=02398
  • atonement 在此翻為「償還愆債」而不是贖罪
  • message 依華人教會傳統譯為信息
  • 彌賽亞就是希臘文的「基督」


From time to time I will post items from the JNTC. Enjoy!

NOTE TO LUKE 2:40-52.

 In these verses we are told everything the New Covenant has to say about Yeshua's life between the ages of about two (Matt 2:16) and thirty (Luke 3:23), except for the fact that he was known in Natzrat as a carpenter (Mark 6:1 4). Humanly he “grew in wisdom,” even though divinely he is Wisdom. The only event in Yeshua’s life that we know about during these twenty-eight years is his remaining behind in Jerusalem talking with the rabbis in the Temple at age 12. God was gracious and sensible enough not to burden us with too much to read or with unnecessary details, for "of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh" (Ecclesiastes 12:12); moreover, "there are also many other things Yeshua did; and if they were all to be written down, I don't think the whole world could contain the books that would have to be written!" (John 21:25). A biographer would have told more; since the writers of the Gospels were not primarily biographers but communicators of the Good News, they wrote only what people needed to know for their own spiritual well being.

But that has not dispelled curiosity about the most famous human being in history; so that a number of false gospels were written in ancient times, purporting to describe Yeshua's life during this "silent period" (many of them have been collected in Wilhelm Schneemelcher, editor, New Testament Apocrypha (English translation by R. McL. Wilson, 2 volumes, Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1963). Not only that, but in modern times new religions have attempted to undermine the truth of the New Covenant by co opting "the Christ" into their own value systems. In their spiritual equivalent of gossip sheets they have invented stories that Jesus travelled to India, studied yoga with Far Eastern "masters," was visited by extraterrestrial beings, and performed various miracles and works of magic.

All of this caters to the "itching ears" of those "ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Ti 4:3, 3:7). There is not the slightest evidence that Yeshua did anything between ages 12 and 30 other than live the life expected of the Jewish son of a Jewish carpenter in the Galil (Mt 13:55, Mk 6:3). On the contrary, had he been absent for eighteen years his contemporaries would not have been as familiar with him as Yn 6:42 shows they were. The purpose of these elaborate fabrications is, on the one hand, to cater to people's pride in having some supposedly superior knowledge, and, on the other, to draw attention away from the central message of the New Covenant the Bad News that human beings are separated from God by their sins and stand in need of atonement, and the Good News that the Messiah Yeshua has made that once for all atonement and offers it to anyone who will trust him and his word.

